Outfit 8

Review dress, American Apparel tights, Ziera shoes, Skulk of Foxes brooch

Alpha60 pleated button back blouse, Witchery skirt, American Apparel tights, Midas brogues and Poli necklace

The drawings I have posted so far have been drawn from a Fashionary template, this is an amazing tool for what I am aiming to do, that is jot down outfits as I wear them. However they are extraordinarily static especially in repetition. As a curvy size 14 of average height they also do not represent the way I wear my clothes. I am hoping to delve further into original illustrations such as this one in the future. Expect to see a mix of template and original drawings as I develop my own style of illustration. I’d like to know what you think of the fashionary templates vs this style of drawing.

This is an outfit from last week utilising items that have already appeared here in other outfits.

Outfit 4

Ellery for Sportsgirl shirt, Secret Squirrel trousers dyed from bright blue to dark green, Asos skinny belt, The Horse ankle boots and Le Specs sunglasses

Outfit 5

Asos black maxi dress, Gorman belt, Witchery sandles and Red Revival locket necklace

Outfit 6

Country Road shirt, Cithy Chic high waisted jeans, The Horse boots and Daschund brooch made from a toy


Outfit 1

American Apparel shirt, Tobu Tori fabric sewn into skirt by my Mum and Dr Marten mary janes with white bobby socks.

Outfit 2

Gorman dress and belt, SES cardigan, American Apparel tights, Ziera shoes and Happy Owl Glassworks brooch

Outfit 3

Target tshirt, Gorman skirt, Midas brogues and Skulk of Foxes brooch